The problem with current Display Ads:
Display advertising is mostly just used for branding, because it is static visual and not much interaction or data is being generated from it. That is why Advertisers use search ads/text ads more effectively because they generate unique data with user intent data.
The solution
What if Advertisers can interact with users directly in display ads? What if Advertisers can get user-intent data directly from display ads? That's exactly what Interactive Display Ads do.
How it helps: Use of data by advertisers and its benefits
Advertisers are increasingly relying on data to make important marketing decisions. Interactive ads can generate clicks on option data and also build audience micro-segments which can be used for focused retargeting.
Visual comparison

Display network has capability to reach interested users on most of websites they are visiting and brand has an opportunity to interact with audience but all they do right now is show a banner or gif and it only has one link this does not generate any real value.
What OpinionAds does for Advertisers
Future of advertising is about what users want, not what they have to endure. In this spirit we created OpinionAds. OpinionAds have interactive ad formats in standard IAB sizes.
Advertisers can:
- Interact with users
- Generate intent data at scale
- Optimize the ads dynamically based on the data
- Qualify users within ads
- Measure ad effectiveness
- Do market research
Advertisers can leverage display ads and get users intent data at scale, build audience micro-segments for re-targeting and user product/purchase intent.
Advertisers can do:
- Connected Ads
- Multi-banner Ads
- Multi-option Ads with unique links for each option
- Enhance Banner Ads
- 1-Click Survey Ads