Brand Lift Study - OpinionAds Vs Pollfish

Brand Lift Study - OpinionAds Vs Pollfish

Comparing OpinionAds with Pollfish reveals differences in their approach, reach, and functionality:


Survey Format

  • Pollfish: Offers mobile-friendly surveys with a variety of question types and multimedia elements, designed for seamless user experience on smartphones and tablets, facilitating high completion rates.
  • OpinionAds: Provides multi-question ads with dynamic capabilities, allowing for interactive surveys that adapt based on user responses, fostering deeper engagement and real-time feedback collection. Learn More


Target Audience

  • Pollfish: Appeals to businesses, advertisers, and researchers looking to reach mobile users for various purposes such as market research, ad testing, audience segmentation, and more, particularly effective for mobile app developers and marketers.
  • OpinionAds: Targets advertisers and researchers seeking to gather insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and brand perception through interactive ad-based surveys, suitable for advertising and market research purposes.


Audience Reach

  • Pollfish: Focuses on mobile users, particularly those on smartphones, providing access to a large and diverse global panel of respondents, ideal for mobile-centric research and ad campaigns.
  • OpinionAds: Offers a broad reach across web platforms, engaging users from diverse demographics and geographies, suitable for advertisers and researchers targeting a wide audience.



  • Pollfish: Offers only survey data.
  • OpinionAds: Shares brand intelligence data derived from surveys, providing actionable insights into consumer sentiment, competitor analysis, and market trends, empowering advertisers with data-driven decision-making capabilities.




While both OpinionAds and Pollfish offer powerful survey solutions, they cater to different audiences and use cases. OpinionAds excels in web accessibility, dynamic ad-based surveys, and brand intelligence sharing, making it ideal for advertisers and researchers targeting a broad online audience. Pollfish, on the other hand, focuses on mobile users with its mobile-first approach, providing access to a global panel of respondents and catering to mobile-centric research and advertising needs. The choice between the two depends on specific objectives, target audience, and preferences regarding survey distribution and functionality.



OpinionAds Differentiation

Crowd-source feedback collection

Rapidly gather large scale data

Input data into your DMP/CDP

Real-time optimization

AI-powered analytics and reports



1. How do survey formats differ between OpinionAds and Pollfish?

  • OpinionAds offers multi-question ads with dynamic capabilities for interactive surveys that adapt based on user responses. Pollfish provides mobile-friendly surveys optimized for smartphones and tablets, featuring various question types and multimedia elements to enhance user experience.

2. What are the primary audience targets for OpinionAds and Pollfish?

  • OpinionAds targets advertisers and researchers seeking insights into consumer behavior and brand perception through interactive ad-based surveys. Pollfish appeals to businesses, advertisers, and researchers aiming to reach mobile users for market research, ad testing, and audience segmentation, particularly effective for mobile app developers and marketers.

3. How does the audience reach differ between OpinionAds and Pollfish?

  • OpinionAds offers a broad reach across web platforms, engaging users from diverse demographics and geographies. Pollfish focuses on mobile users, providing access to a large and diverse global panel of respondents, ideal for mobile-centric research and advertising campaigns.


About the Author

Keyur Vasani

Keyur Vasani is expert in content writing and marketing. He is strategically creative marketer with a knack for crafting compelling campaigns and engaging narratives that resonate with target audiences.

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